(Frequently Asked Questions)
If you have any questions that are not here, inform me via the feedback form.
Why are there no navigation buttons on any pages but
the Home Page?
Why is the game I'm looking for not on this site?
How do I convert the Midi files on this site to Wave files and MP3 files?
This is to reduce the loading time and to allow a
tidier and an easier website to
look around. All the links for this
website are on the home page, so click on the button at the end of any page, marked
'Home' to return to it. If you find any broken links, please inform me via
the feedback form.
This site specializes in the games I like the
most. Most of the games on this site
will offer downloads to take
away. If you find you're favorite game isn't here, then inform me via the
feedback form or guest book. You never know, I may love your game so much that
I dedicate
some space to it-but I make no promises!
I cannot put some Mp3s, and Waves on this site. To convert these Midis to Mp3s and Waves go to the sites in the
links. You will need to convert Midis to Waves if you want to create an audio CD
to listen to in a CD player. You can also convert Waves to Mp3s for the smaller
file size and also to put onto an MP3 player. Here are the steps:
Get the Midi you want
I recommend www.modplug.com and get the
Midi-Wave converter download for free!
You now have a Wave. Either create an audio CD or convert it into and MP3.
I recommend www.goldwave.com to download
a free music converter and many other functions.
Check the links section for these websites.
You cannot convert an MP3 or Wave file to a Midi file!
Famegame has, to the best of its knowledge, not infringed any copyright laws © for any content contained within this web site. Should any organization have reason to believe an infringement has taken place and can substantiate the fact, I will/shall endeavor to rectify immediately. All material on this site is copyright of its respected owners and is here for entertainment purposes only. Thank you