Friday July 16th
Flight home
We had to get up at 5.00am today to catch a bus out to Narita airport – only 3 hours sleep!. Most people slept on the coach on the way though. I grabbed a croissant at the airport and some last minute presents for friends back home. I also managed to buy some Japanese sweets for my family to try.

The flight home wasn’t as bad as the on here. I sat between Heather and Joe, so the company made it better straightaway anyway. I watched 50 First Dates shown as the in-flight movie, which was pretty good, but it still didn’t better the previous Sandler-Barrymore combination of The Wedding Singer. Afterwards I helped Heather translate some of her Japanese Winnie the Pooh book (which took bloody ages and I was really tired afterwards :P). Not much happened for the rest of the flight other than listening to the Escaflowne soundtrack and falling asleep.We got back to the airport ,collected our baggage and then all left on the minibuses, save Wai-sun whose brother picked her up at the airport. Although I really miss Japan already, it was an impeccable trip, the best I’ve ever had in fact. Even the negative things that happened seem nothing more than a blemish in the grand scheme of events. I’m looking forward to returning to Japan and embracing the culture for a full 6 months now. Either that will satisfy my intrigue with the country, or will hook me for life. The gap year is bound to be just as challenging and enjoyable in it’s own right though ^_^.
Well, I had to do a presentation at the school, but I had to try to speak basic Japanese quite a lot when there. The Japanese really are great people; it puts the British yobs to shame…
I know what you mean about hungry to experience different cultures. Hey, maybe if you managed to save up enough, you could come travelling with me at the end of my placement in 6 months time… I was looking at China, Fiji, Australia, New Zealand and Malaysia as possibilities, but I would decide later. Of course, other countries are possibilities too; it all depends on the amount of money I have left :P
Well, I had to do a presentation at the school, but I had to try to speak basic Japanese quite a lot when there. The Japanese really are great people; it puts the British yobs to shame…
I know what you mean about hungry to experience different cultures. Hey, maybe if you managed to save up enough, you could come travelling with me at the end of my placement in 6 months time… I was looking at China, Fiji, Australia, New Zealand and Malaysia as possibilities, but I would decide later. Of course, other countries are possibilities too; it all depends on the amount of money I have left :P
Wow what a great read!!!
You wrote it very well, was very entertaining! This trip is the kind that i’m sure i would love to experience at some point, and similar trips to so many other countries. I’m very hungry (for lack of a better word) to experience other cultures, completely different to our own, to live like them for a while, you know?
From what i know of you, you seem very shy in certain circumstances, so having to go to this Japanese High School and talk and sing in front of them..well i would have loved to see you doing your thing lol
From what you describe, the Japanese seem generally very humble and friendly people, i wish i could say the same for our own people :P
Was cool looking at all the pictures you put up, i particularly liked the picture of striking a pose in what i can only describe as a dressing gown, hehe.
By the way, did you actually have to teach the students at the school? The pictures kind of suggest you did, god i wouldn’t be able to do that i don’t think..
But anyway thanks for the great read:D You should right a similare diary for your 6 months you’ll stay out there..Jeez 6 months man, that’s a long time b, you’ll be like living out there lol. You better keep on top of your diet, you don’t want to come back weighing 8 stone or something lol
Oh how long now before you leave?? Hope I see you on MSN before you go :)
Wow what a great read!!!
You wrote it very well, was very entertaining! This trip is the kind that i’m sure i would love to experience at some point, and similar trips to so many other countries. I’m very hungry (for lack of a better word) to experience other cultures, completely different to our own, to live like them for a while, you know?
From what i know of you, you seem very shy in certain circumstances, so having to go to this Japanese High School and talk and sing in front of them..well i would have loved to see you doing your thing lol
From what you describe, the Japanese seem generally very humble and friendly people, i wish i could say the same for our own people :P
Was cool looking at all the pictures you put up, i particularly liked the picture of striking a pose in what i can only describe as a dressing gown, hehe.
By the way, did you actually have to teach the students at the school? The pictures kind of suggest you did, god i wouldn’t be able to do that i don’t think..
But anyway thanks for the great read:D You should right a similare diary for your 6 months you’ll stay out there..Jeez 6 months man, that’s a long time b, you’ll be like living out there lol. You better keep on top of your diet, you don’t want to come back weighing 8 stone or something lol
Oh how long now before you leave?? Hope I see you on MSN before you go :)