More blitz-downloading today. I managed to start working about 8.30, but I fizzled out by 1.00pm. I’ve had enough D&T this week now… I woke up this morning with a ferociously painful neck and it has been bugging me all today. I hope it wears off by tomorrow… I don’t fancy that short hike with this irritation. But Glay and L’Arc~en~Ciel are both great artists, and there are a number of other bands that have caught my ear today that have potential; ‘Every LIttle Thing and possibly ‘The Brilliant Green’. This is excluding all the single female solo artists that usually pull off decent songs most of the time anyway. Glay and L’Arc~en~Ciel (the Arc in the Sky – can you guess what it refers to?) are the first J-rock bands I’ve heard (save for the one song by Dragon Ash), so it’s a slightly different experience. Nice song this, recommended by Chris ^_^.
I’m off on my D.O.E weekend residential now.