Author Archives: Michael Gakuran
Live from B@gus!
I`m dreary-eyed, tired, ailing, most likely having absorbed a hefty amount of the local smog too, but it`s all worth it; I`m sitting in a 24-hour Internet cafe! Still, lets first recap the events of the last few weeks before we arrive at today.
My 6 month GAP report
Having nearly finished my time as a GAP volunteer (2 weeks to go before I start travelling), I`m required to write a report to give to Kataoka-san (Director of Cheshire Homes) and generally just talk about my experiences and the things I`ve learnt. It probably reads a little pretentiously, so apologies for that, it`s just […]
Things have been fairly hectic the past week or so. I`ve been engaged in visa, flight and insurance enquiries, numerous talks with Jyoki-san and Kataoka-san, and email-phone call tennis matches with the GAP coordinators, all over the issue of my staying out here longer.
Osaka Kaiyuukan and Capsules
Well well, fellow droogies, things have been a malenky bit horrorshow lately. Those of you who understand what I mean have likely read `A Clockwork Orange` by Anthony Burgess (if not, I recommend it). Those of you who know me would probably now wonder why I was using the `nadsat` speak used in the book […]
Arrival of Winter
It has been snowing on and off here at Shiso effectively since my last post. We didn`t see a White Christmas, but it`s more than been made up for in the weeks since. On New Year`s Eve, the four of us went to Bokusho-san`s Temple (where our local Tea Ceremony takes place) for a Buddhist […]
Winter Sonata
I’ve been forgetting to add this to the last few entires, but Heather mentioned it in an email just recently and I thought I`d say something. We`ve been going to Maeda-san`s house often since we arrived in Japan and she told us the previous GAP volunteers at the Cheshire Homes, Nicki and Anna, loved a […]
Christmas happenings
Re-capping on the last month or so`s events, there`s been a fair bit I haven`t mentioned. In early December we visited Himeji again, with our Japanese sensei Maeda-san, for some Christmas shopping.
I haven`t really got much time to go into detail about everything that`s happened since I last updated, and I haven`t been feeling particularly great anyway lately. Check Dave`s or Heather`s journal for notes about the Christmas Party with Pauline Hook last Sunday. Hopefully there`ll be a more positive update after Christmas.