Author Archives: Michael Gakuran
Thoughts on Discussing Other Cultures
“To ask is a moment’s embarrassment, but to not ask will bring a lifetime of shame.” So goes the Japanese proverb: 聞くは一時の恥、聞かぬは一生の恥. (Thanks to Jake Adelstein for pointing me to it.) It’s an issue I’ve sparred with my entire life, and it doesn’t look set to end any time soon. Just when is it okay […]
Posted in Japan
The Foul Stink of the Japan Snake Center
The Japan Snake Center isn’t really a haikyo, or it shouldn’t be. An active facility with a rather steep 1000 yen entry fee, some of Japan’s foremost experts on snakes come here to work. They hold bring-your-snake-day pet contests and open lectures on measures dealing with Japan’s poisonous snake, the mamushi. Not surprisingly, it’s also […]
Posted in Haikyo / Ruins
Great Tohoku Earthquake (Latest)
I’ll be updating this post with ongoing announcements about the huge earthquake that is occurring in the Tohoku region of Japan. It has been labelled in Japanese the 東北地方太平洋沖地震 (Tohoku-chiho Taiheiyo-oki Jishin), the biggest earthquake ever to hit Japan. It struck at 14.46 with a magnitude of 9.0 and was assigned the highest level 7 […]
Posted in Japan
Great Tohoku Earthquake 5
Aftershocks seem to gradually be getting less and less and the situation at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant is, while still serious, improving little by little. Radiation levels and leakages are being monitored.
Posted in Japan
Ruminations on Citizen Journalism and Media Bias
This past week has been truly life-changing. Japan has suffered at the hands of one of the strongest earthquakes the world has ever seen, endured colossal damage from a towering tsunami and fought bravely against a troubled nuclear reactor. Thousands of people are still missing and many more homeless. For me however, living safely in […]
Posted in Japan
Great Tohoku Earthquake 4
We are approaching 2 weeks since the great earthquake. The situation appears to have calmed down somewhat with less aftershocks and some significant advancements at the nuclear power plant. But we’re not out of the water yet – contaminated food is being reported daily and drinking water is suffering the same fate. Meanwhile efforts to […]
Posted in Japan
Great Tohoku Earthquake 3
A week has passed since The Great Three Trials of Japan began. First a tremendous earthquake, second a destructive tsunami and third a fractured nuclear power station. Pressure is still on the brave workers at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant to safely cool the six troubled reactors and the government struggles with getting relief […]
Posted in Japan
Great Tohoku Earthquake 2
When I first started live blogging about the Great Tohoku Earthquake, I never expected I would still be doing it nearly a week later. I’ve had to archive important importation like this due to the sheer number of updates and hits I’ve been receiving. Below you will find the second part of the crisis unfolding.
Posted in Japan