Author Archives: Michael Gakuran
More from Shiso
Coming to you from Bokusho-san`s Temple, Wednesday evening. We are at the tea ceremony again – just as good a second time ^_^.
At Shiso
So, I`ve been at Shiso Home about a week now and the reason for the lack of updates is simply because we have to pay for the Internet, and use it within a 2 hour block each day – which also convieniently includes dinner in that timespan. So yup, not at all pleased with that, […]
GAP Japan Diary – Beginning!
Hey hey all. This is the first update from right here in Tokyo, Japan! The flight went relatively well, aside from the fact they made me put my hand luggage into the plane’s hold (is was more than double the normal weight for hand luggage, because I brought so many books with me) and as […]
Final Farewells
We (the Japanese group) went to London on Wednesday to have our final day out together as a GCSE group. We will see each other again, and there will be other days out and reunions, but we’ll never do so in quite the same way again, sadly. But regardless, we made the best of it, […]
GCSE Japanese result
Wooo! I met up with my friends from Japanese at CGSB (my school) a couple of hours ago today to collect our GCSE Japanese results and open them together. Everyone there got A*s!! I’m glad these two years have come out just as fruitful academically as they have been building friendships *^_^*.
Froglet photography
I took my sister to the cinema tonight to see ‘The Village’ (recommended). We had McDonalds and I tried one of their new ‘Salads Plus’ items, which was actually pretty good. The first time I’ve been able to eat McDonalds and not feel sick; well, not counting the stop we made in the minibus after […]
Japan Pictures – Xtra!
Okay, here are a few edited/unseen pictures (unless you visited my image site to see them all), that I thought were nice. I edited the last two by cropping and increasing the brightness respectively, so you should be able to see them better now ^_^. As always, hover the mouse to see the captions.
A Level results and Japan Diary!
Please go *here* for the GCSE Japan Diary 2004! – It structures the page so they are in readable order :P, so ignore the odd structure of today’s posts you may see in your friend’s livejournal view ^_^;;.