Author Archives: Michael Gakuran
What in the hell??
I’ve just come back from having dinner to find my msn contact list butchered! Half of my contacts, including most of them from school, have been deleted and a couple of dodgy ones have added themselves… The worst thing is, the last time I made a backup was ages ago, so I’ve got to recall […]
*Phew* I cycled to Riverside Country Park today, which took about 25 minutes, but was painful for me due to my complete lack of exercise over the past 6-12 months. Hopefully I’ll start doing at least 3 half hour sessions a week from now on to get fitter, and maybe start Badminton again. It was […]
Brief tadpole update
Rough tadpole count: 14 Froglet count 0 Froglets released 1 Development: The other tadpoles have begun to get fatter and a little more froglike in their ‘head’ shapes. The little froglet that was in the tank took an unfortunate turn for the worse I’m sorry to say. I came home a few days ago to […]
Gap year form
Damn. Damn. Damn. I can’t believe I didn’t realise this. The reason my application hasn’t been processed yet is because I haven’t got my reference sent off to accompany it >.<. I was under the impression they’d ask for it at the interview or something, so i’ve just emailed Mr. Broomfield the stuff now, although […]
Had my R.S synoptic paper today, which went quite well I think. I just have General Studies tomorrow and then the dark Mechanics 2 paper on Friday. I think it may be all over for my maths if this paper goes badly like the other two did, which may even mean I wouldn’t have got […]
RHCP and Colindale
I really should get a move on and update this, because I have to revise P2 for my exam tomorrow morning… So yesterday I managed to get the time off work in the morning to make an early start in London. Dave and I decided to head back up to Oriental City in Colindale for […]
R.S. & Odd meme
I had 2 of my 3 R.S. papers yesterday, which Lee and I had to do a full day’s cramming session on Tuesday for. I’ve never done anything like that before… Even the standard night-beforehand scenario was pitifully easy compared to trying to assimilate so much information in so little a space of time. The […]
The prom on Friday was excellent, although there’s not much enthusiasm in that statement right now. I’ve felt really awful for the past two days, which is probably due to me thinking and analysing things too much. I don’t think it’s the exams this time… D&T theory was hit and miss today. Apart from completely […]