Author Archives: Michael Gakuran
CGM Night 6 – Otaku Version
On 3rd December I shot up to the COSPA offices in Tokyo on the Hikari Shinkansen to attend the 6th CGM Night – Otaku Version, organised by Danny Choo. Among all the self-acclaimed otaku were many fellow Japan bloggers, and the small venue meant conversations positively bloomed with success.
Posted in Japan, Journal
R2D2 Soy Sauce Bottle
Omoshiro Zakka (オモシロ雑貨) means something like ‘Interesting Miscellaneous Goods’ in Japanese and is the title of this new section on This week’s weird and wonderful invention is the humble soy sauce dispenser, with a Star Wars twist! R2D2 comes to the rescue for all your flavouring needs.
Posted in Other
Decaying Volcano Observation Deck
Alrighty. Here’s the second part of the huge volcano museum explore here in Japan. This time I’m focussing on the upper levels and the crumbling observation deck. Also included is a video compilation of the footage I took while visiting. Enjoy!
Posted in Haikyo / Ruins
Mysterious Abandoned Volcano Museum
A decaying observation tower and a haikyo museum blanketed in shadows rest at the foot of one active Japanese volcano. Patches of snow cover the surrounding countryside and the ominous gong of a pinprick temple in the distance drifts into my ears on an early winter wind. Here’s my recent visit to these ruins.
Posted in Haikyo / Ruins
Autumn Networking 2009
I’ve been pretty busy during the last few weeks, hoping back and forth between Tokyo and Nagoya, stopping off at Hakone and infiltrating numerous haikyo. And in the crevices between all that? Networking with some of Japan’s finest j-bloggers, adventurers and musicians. And hey, Autumn isn’t even over yet!
Posted in Japan, Journal
Horrific My Neighbour Totoro
I came across an inspired Japanese horror video recently which included a rather unsettling interpretation of the Ghibli classic film ‘My Neighbour Totoro’. Going in search of the image lead me to the talented author on Deviantart. So today, a bit of dark-hearted nastiness sprinkled with macabre. Enjoy.
Posted in Other
Top Japan-related people to follow Twitter list
Alrighty folks and folkesses! You might have been wondering what all this fuss is about with the launch of Twitter lists. What? You haven’t?? Why then you m’boy have been sleeping under a rock! Here’s the top Japan and Japanese-related people to follow on Twitter in a one handy list!
Posted in Japan
22 Comments v5
Okay guys and gals. Version 5 of is now live! I would really appreciate your thoughts and feedback on the design and functionality. Let me know about bugs and suggested improvements ^^.
Posted in Design & Web